Wednesday, March 25, 2020

How to Choose the Right G Mat Tutoring Program For Your Child

How to Choose the Right G Mat Tutoring Program For Your ChildWhen you decide to enroll your child in a Boston Public Schools G mat program, it is important that you choose the right one for your child. You need to look for Boston G mat tutoring programs that will meet your child's individual needs and requirements, so be sure to be aware of all of the factors involved in choosing the right school for your child.If you are thinking about applying for a Boston G mat tutoring program, then you have several options. If you are the parent of a special education student, you may want to look at a Boston public G mat program. These programs allow parents to participate in the learning experience of their child and help him or her to realize academic goals while staying within the guidelines of the programs offered by Boston Public Schools.Parents can also choose to work with Boston tutors who have specific backgrounds and can help the parent to meet the child's individual needs. If you woul d like to work with a tutor who has a wealth of knowledge about tutoring, but who does not speak English as a first language, it is possible to find such a tutor through an online school. Online tutoring services include a large selection of tutors who have completed intensive training for the English language, because every child is different.Depending on the type of program you are interested in, you may want to look into Boston public G mat programs or those that are privately run. The majority of private schools that offer these programs are part of the single point of contact approach to tutoring that is taken by private schools.In order to choose a G mat tutoring program that will meet your child's individual needs, it is necessary to think about your child's needs in the various Boston schools. The teaching style, the curriculum used, the choices of texts and even the way the program is taught will have an impact on how your child is served in the Boston Public Schools. Ifyou are a special education student, Boston public G math tutoring can be quite useful, as it can help your child to understand the classroom environment better.It is always best to consider the type of education your child requires in Boston. If your child is academically gifted and you feel that Boston public G mat tutoring is not appropriate for your child, then private tutoring may be more suitable.If you have decided to choose Boston public G mat tutoring for your child, there are many options available to you. Make sure that you use all of the information available about Boston G mat tutoring and its programs to make the best decision for your child.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How To Get Over Problems With Ease Through Online Homework Help

How To Get Over Problems With Ease Through Online Homework Help Homework is an important component of curriculum. It tests one’s understanding and memory of classroom learning. Students have many problems in doing homework. Online Homework Help is a good source for gaining basic skills. Clear understanding of the topics along with timely submissions. Though homework forms a strong part of academics, many shudder at the very thought of it. Since it is time consuming and voluminous with hectic schedules. It may not be the cake of everyone and hence we need to understand. We need to understand how to approach homework and what common problems one has in doing homework. Why homework is important? Homework in all the subjects is important for the reason that it helps one recollect what he has gathered in his school hours and how far he is able to recollect them. It helps a student realize the level of his comprehension and the missing links he comes across in his conception. Moreover, homework lends the practice for a student to update his knowledge, skills and ideas about any topic. It is really essential in the sense that it provides a link between school and home for students in the matter of studies. 9 Ways To Save Money This School Year Common problems a student faces in homework doing A student finds his homework tough and beyond understanding when he is not able to conceptualize what the homework task is exactly about and what are requirements expected of him The student may be sick for a long time having missed many classes at school The student could have incurred deviations like friends or domestic disturbances that could have pulled him out of the track His dislike for the subject also forms a major reason which can be attributed to many causes like classroom atmosphere, approach of the teacher, peer complex and so on Natural inability to understand a subject is also there in many cases How to get over homework problems with ease? As parents are the first teachers, it is the normal tendency of a child to express his problems to the parent to seek an outlet and get feasible remedies.   It can also be the advice of a teacher who could suggest possible methods to overcome struggles in homework doing for the kid. More than that, you have many sources like private tutoring and online tutoring to help a child complete his homework on time and with success. Online Tutoring â€" 25% Discount Applicable For All Packages â€" Tutor Pace (@TutorPace) February 8, 2016 Why online homework help is preferable? Online tutoring portals offer homework help which is preferable for various reasons. The time flexibility and comfort of home stand above all the benefits you gain from seeking help online for your homework. One can get personalized attention and specific answers for his targetted questions through online homework help.   For example, when you sit with an online Math tutor for solving a Math homework query, he shares the interactive board with you to solve the problem. Both of you work step by step together and he pinpoints where you miss and what you need to learn. Such a learning environment adds to your confidence and learning skills. It definitely strengthens your basic skills and thus timely completion of homework is possible for you. Online help for homework relieves one of mental stress and strain and helps easy agenda of homework tasks with successful results. It is through the most favored technological medium which is preferred by students who are computer savvy these days. You have the benefit of checking your answers as well. Tutorials like Tutor Pace offer dedicated services in this field to help students complete their tasks with ease through cloud based technology. Top 5 #Education Apps To Learn #Science With Ease â€" Tutor Pace (@TutorPace) February 8, 2016 One can maximize his knowledge and improve skills in any subject through his association with online tutorials for homework help.

8 Critical ACT-Math Strategies

8 Critical ACT-Math Strategies ACT SAT Prep and College Admissions Blog In this post we'll share 8 strategies for improving your score on the ACT-Math section. We have worked with hundreds of students, and these ideas are almost always helpful.These strategies are written ina “top 8” list format, but they aren’t necessarily in order. Depending on the student, any given strategy might be more or less effective. 1. Write all over the test booklet. Nothing you write will be scored, but this will have a huge impact on your score. This includes writing equations, drawing diagrams, and labeling angles or lengths when applicable. 2. Use the answers to plug into the question when possible. This is additional information they don’t expect you to use. Always start with the middle answer (C). Even if you do know how to work out a problem, this method, when combined with process of elimination, may be faster. 3. Don’t always go in order. Answer the easy questions first. Don’t fall into the trap of “doing the more difficult problems first, while I still have time.” Remember, you are trying to get as many questions correct as possible; that’s what earns you a high score. So, make sure you answer everything correctly that you know how to answer correctly, which means you should feel free to skip questions if you can’t think of how to even approach them. While the questions generally go from easy to hard, this isn’t always the case for your mathematical background. Circle the questions numbers that you skip to make it easy to return to them. 4. Re-read the last sentence of the question before answering to avoid simple mistakes. 5. Assume nothing. This often comes up in geometry questions. If you have a triangle that looks like a right triangle and would be easy to work with as a right triangle, you might be tempted to assume that it’s a right triangle. While that assumption might help you get the right answer, it could be a trap, or just a fluke. There must be information provided in the question that would allow you to know that the triangle is a right triangle. 6. Answer all the questions (with just a little bit of thought, even if you’re pretty much lost or completely running out of time)! There is no penalty for guessing. You can, at times, squeeze out 1,2, or even 3 additional points from simply making sure you leave nothing blank. Let me repeat. Don’t leave anything blank. Leave 60 seconds to randomly choose answers if you have to. But, even if you’re very short on time, thinking about the question just long enough to make a decent guess is much more beneficial than guessing completely at random. Think about it. With four possible answers, you have a 25% chance of getting the answer right by guessing randomly. If you can just eliminate two answers, your odds of success double. In other words, even if you don’t have time to start plugging in possible answers and checking to see if they’re right, the first step of the process of elimination can still help you get points. 7. Make abstractions concrete. Math tends to be difficult for many people simply because it’s so abstract. You can’t often touch and feel math. So, making something somewhat abstract more concrete can be a powerfully way to understand and comprehend. Think of how a grade-school teacher tackles division. It’s hard to really understand what 12 divided by 3 means until the teacher brings in twelve cookies and doles them out evenly to three students. ACT-Math questions can sometimes be made much more concrete by subbing in example numbers for variables. Learn to recognize when this is possible. 8. Proactively (and strategically, and calmly…) manage your time. On ACT-Math, you have 60 seconds to answer 60 questions. That’s one minute per question. Running out of time is one of the most common issues in this section. Many students feel they can do almost all of the problems, but they just can’t do them fast enough to score well. So, time management is a critical skill if you want to score particularly well. Managing your time is really just about knowing how often to look at the clock. If you look too often, you’ll distract yourself with the pressure it suggests. If you don’t look often enough, you’ll find yourself without enough time to finish a section, forced to guess more often than you should. Really, you just need to find some balance. Don’t let yourself give in to thoughts like this: “I’ve spent 1 minute and 28 seconds on this question, so on the next question I should spend 32 seconds to make up for the extra time.” This is at worst counterproductive and at best unnecessary. Questions don’t always take the exact length of time you might expect. That’s OK. However, you must remain aware of the clock so you don’t completely lose track of time. The goal is to know at a few checkpoints in a section whether you’re ahead, behind, or right on schedule so you can modify your strategy accordingly, possibly by making more estimated guesses or skipping more time-consuming questions. (Of course, if you have extra time, you can check your work more carefully.) In our next post, we'll address perhaps the single most powerful strategy. The process of elimination.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

LSAT Tip of the Week Logical Reasoning Practice Question #1

LSAT Tip of the Week Logical Reasoning Practice Question #1 LSAT Law School Blog This week, we will go over a practice problem from the Logical Reasoning Section of the June 2007 LSAT. Section 3, Question 1: Situation: Someone living in a cold climate buys a winter coat that is stylish but not warm in order to appear sophisticated. Analysis: People are sometimes willing to sacrifice personal comfort or pleasure for the sake of appearances. The analysis provided for the situation above is most appropriate for which one of the following situations? (A) A person buys an automobile to commute to work even though public transportation is quick and reliable. (B) A parent buys a car seat for a young child because it is more colorful and more comfortable for the child than the other car seats on the market, though no safer. (C) A couple buys a particular wine even though their favorite wine is less expensive and better tasting because they think it will impress their dinner guests. (D) A person sets her thermostat at a low temperature during the winter because she is concerned about the environmental damage caused by using fossil fuels to heat her home. (E) An acrobat convinces the circus that employs him to purchase an expensive outfit for him so that he can wear it during his act to impress the audience. A good plan of attack for logical reasoning questions is a simple one- read the question, identify what question type it is, plan out the answer in your head, then proceed to look at the answers. Go ahead and make an attempt at this and then come back here and we will step through how to get to the correct answer. Solution: First, we can determine that this is a “must be true” question type- so we must find an answer choice that has the same logic pattern as presented to us in the question. The logic pattern boils down to trading one thing (comfort) for another (appearance). First, let’s take a look at option (a)- here we have someone buying a car despite having public transportation. There is no sacrifice here that involves comfort for appearance, therefore we can eliminate (a). Option (b) is choosing a car seat where you sacrifice safety for comfort and colors, which can seem tempting but is not the exact fact pattern that we are looking for- so we eliminate (b). Option (c) is sacrificing pleasure (of their favorite wine) for appearance (to impress the guests). This aligns exactly with the logic pattern we are looking for, so we can state (c) is the correct answer. Let’s go through the other options just to make sure though. Option (d) sacrifices comfort (lowering thermostat) for the sake of t he environment- this does not fully align up with the fact pattern we are looking for. So, we can eliminate (d). In (e) there is the sacrifice of money for appearance, and again this may partly align with the fact pattern, but not completely. Therefore, (e) also holds to be false. Therefore (c) is our correct answer since there was a sacrifice of comfort for appearance- just like in the original question. If you’d like more practice, here are a few more logical reasoning example questions from AdmissionsConsultants.

Good Ratings and Positive Reviews Boost the Credibility of Tutor Profiles

Good Ratings and Positive Reviews Boost the Credibility of Tutor Profiles Last year in December TutorZ empowered its tutors to request reviews from students. Since then this new request-review feature has been a tremendous success. Over 100 new reviews were produced with this feature. Tutors are very aware that good ratings and positive reviews boost the credibility of their tutoring profile and steers prospective students to select them over competing tutors. But some tutors were not quite sure how to exactly request these reviews from their students. Granted, requesting reviews involves the execution of five distinct steps. Therefore, TutorZ created a new page explaining the process in a step-by-step fashion. Today on March 10, we are unavailing this page to the public: Besides, instructing our tutors to request reviews, this page also experiments with new technology on our site: the jQuery slider: This slider hides the detailed in instructions of the 5 steps until the yellow plus button is clicked upon. Then the slider unfolds revealing the instructions of the specific step. Upon a second click the slider closes. This technique makes the information of the page more easier to digest and makes the page look very slick. Dont you think too?

How to Succeed Working in Retail

How to Succeed Working in Retail via Pixabay Know your product Hopefully, you have landed a job at a retail store where you are familiar or even interested in the product you are selling. This can be cookware, books, shoes, hunting equipment the list goes on. If you are currently looking for a job in retail, try to apply to stores that you shop in. It’s important to know the product that you are selling, especially when working in customer service. Customers will come to you for help or information pertaining to a certain product your store carries. If you are working in a bookstore, you should probably learn about what recommendations to make or be familiar with classic books and new releases. Some customers may ask for advice on what they should get, so be prepared to list the pros and cons of products. When you know and are familiar with the product your store sells, it will make your job so much easier. You will feel like you have helped someone make a decision and won’t feel flustered when a customer asks about a product. Know the culture Each retail store has a different culture and work environment. If you are working at an upscale clothing store, you may be expected to be on your best behavior at all times and dress well. If you work at the local grocery store, it will probably be more laid back where you can wear jeans and sneakers. Getting along with your coworkers and fitting into the mold the culture of the company has created is important when working in retail. via Pixabay Always be friendly and helpful When working in retail, it is guaranteed that you will have to interact with customers. Whether it is answering the phone, operating a cash register, or working on the sales floor, you will be in contact with customers looking to buy your product. Always smile and be helpful towards customers. If a customer looks confused, ask if they need help with something. Don’t wait until they come to you. Be friendly and eager to help them. Nobody likes dealing with rude or disgruntled employees when they shop. Learn patience Not all customers will be nice to you, but that does not give you an excuse to be rude to them. The phrase, “the customer is always right” actually does apply to real life and may want to make you scream, but make sure to do it while on your break. Learning how to be patient is an important skill to have not only when working in retail, but in life as well. via Pixabay Ask the manager As a retail employee, you are not expected to know everything about the company or its policies, especially if you are only there for the summer. It’s okay to call the manager over when you do not know the answer to a question or if you have a question. In any job, it is always better to ask about something you are unsure of than giving out incorrect information or doing something wrong. After getting the answer to your questions, you will successfully build up your knowledge of the company and its policies. Stay ahead Nobody likes an employee that does the bare minimum of what they are expected to do. Displaying good work ethic is important, no matter what job or task you are doing. When you finish one task, move on to another or ask for something else to do. Take initiative and do something that you notice needs to be completed without someone telling you to do it. This will likely impress your managers and you’ll earn good status with the store. via Pixabay It’s just a job Keep in mind that it is just a job. When you are having a bad day and dealing with difficult customers, it’s okay. In just three months you will be back at school attending classes and getting together with friends, and those customers will not matter anymore. You are much more than just an employee. If it turns out you don’t like working in retail, just remember that it allows you to pay for the things you want to do outside of work.

What Happens When You Remove The Numbers From Social Media

What Happens When You Remove The Numbers From Social Media Photo Via: In a recent Washington Post article, the anxieties of social media were revealed as arising from a numbers game in which people feel pressured to get a certain number of “likes” on Facebook or a certain number of followers on Twitter. One beautifully structured statement from this article says it all: “Virtually every Web site that governs our social interactions these days puts numbers front and center, like a bold-faced, numerical tally of your precise social worth.” It goes “quality over quantity,” doesn’t it? So why do we feel this incessant need to quantify our technologically driven social interactions? Benjamin Grosser answers this question in his article on this same topic: “I would argue that the answer lies at the relationship between our evolutionarily developed human needs and the pervasiveness of capitalism within western society. If, as Marx and Engels have said, capital has equated personal worth with exchange value, then its reverse should hold true.” In this case, the exchange value is equal to our personal worth. Photo Via: This is a depressing concept, but really, it couldn’t be more spot-on. When we, as college students, log on to our Facebook accounts, we are seeking attention. We post pictures for others to see, and our humorous statuses require multiple “likes” so we can feel a confirmation of our ability to be clever or funny. We constantly seek out these numbers as a verification of our personal worth. However, it doesn’t stop there. While social media is largely based on social interactions, it is also a strong market for networking. According to a recent Forbes article, social media is a perfect marketing outlet for businesses. And what better way to judge how successful your company is than by looking at the number of “likes” or “followers” it has? Photo Via: Forbes says it’s tempting for companies to “use objective numbers like Facebook likes or Twitter followers to measure a campaign’s health or success.” The article continues, saying, “they’re verifiable, quantitative and logical, but the true significance of likes and followers to the success of a social marketing campaign is greatly overestimated.” This Forbes article is arguing, again, for the concept of quality over quantity: it doesn’t matter how many likes a business’ Facebook profile has; what matters is the quality of those that follow the business. The article states “roughly 80 percent of your revenue will come from 20 percent of your customers.” So you can snatch up as many Twitter followers as you want, but not all of them matter. So what happens when you take away the numbers game? Grosser decided it was time for a little social experiment, so he did what we all would expect: he created an app. The Facebook Demetricator does exactly as its name implies: it removes all numbers from the popular social media site, leaving no room for any quantities. According to its website, “Demetricator is free software that runs within the web browser, constantly watching Facebook when it’s loaded and removing the metrics wherever they occur.” So rather than logging in to Facebook to find three shares and seven likes, you will log on to find people like your post and people have shared it: all numbers completely removed. Photo Via: So what’s the point? According to the website, “no longer is the focus on how many friends you have or on how much they like your status, but on who they are and what they said.” So again, quality wins out, and the numbers game is completely shut down. The site continues in saying: “Through changes like these [removal of numbers from Facebook], Demetricator invites Facebook’s users to try the system without the numbers, to see how their experience is changed by their absence. With this work I aim to disrupt the prescribed sociality these metrics produce, enabling a network society that isn’t dependent on quantification.” I think that’s a message we can all get behind. Grosser implores users to not only attempt using this software, but also to send him feedback as to how it has changed their social media experiences. Caitlin Dewey, author of the Washington Post article, tried out the Demetricator herself and wrote about her experiences: “In my timeline, things were a little more clear-cut: It’s awesome, frankly, to be able to judge other articles and ads and other people’s baby photos based solely on their merits, without the gentle halo of how many people have judged them meritorious already. I was immune to viral posts, to Facebook peer-pressure, to acutely targeted ads. Only I determined what I clicked, and oddly, in that vacuum, I clicked almost nothing.” In this way, social media users can take back their agency from the numbers that have for so long ruled their perspective. And rather than fall victim to the numbers game social media is continually playing, people can use it the way they intend to, without being ruled by the quantitative aspect. So remember: a number is just a number. It certainly doesn’t define you. Photo Via: You can read more about the app and receive installation instructions and downloads directly on the Demetricator website.